...it is really hard to believe that we are boarding our plane in 2 weeks...wow, the time has flown! I couldn't sleep last night just thinking about all the preparation that must take place between now and then...packing...sorting...collecting items...getting supplies...getting life in order here to be ready to be gone from work and home....there is so much to do! But in the midst of all my thoughts I hear God speak in that still small voice saying "let go...give all of that to Me...let Me handle it for you!" My word for this trip has been "SURRENDER". One of the definitions of the word Surrender is: to give oneself up, as into the power of another; submit or yield. I believe that that is what God is asking of me on this trip...to just yield to Him...whatever He says...DO! To yield to His ways...and let go of my own. I am so excited about what He has planned for this journey and I feel like a child on Christmas Morning...just waiting to see what is inside the box! I believe that He has a great Gift for all of us....so countdown start...let's get ready to receive ALL that He has waiting for us! Let's GO!
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