Friday, January 23, 2009

God is Great

Hello everyone,

First, I just want to say hello to my husband Steve and my kids Caitlyn and Steve. If anyone talks to the Moore family please tell them I love them and I'm thinking of them often! I'm pretty sure they don't know of our blog. And now that we are at the end of our week here and as much as I miss my family and dear friends back home, it is getting very difficult to keep the emotions of leaving inside. Last year was truely life changing for me and I was even a little upset when i knew certain people would not be here that i had connected with previously. But let me say i have been pleasantly surprised and amazed how God has ABSOLUTELY had his hand in the building of this team since the day we left last year. During my first trip to Jamaica i really got to see God at work in the Jamaicans and this island and this lifestyle, but this year he is just bursting out of the members of this team! I don't even know if there are words to describe the people who are here and what they have brought to this trip. I know that I am genuinely blessed to have been here this week and gotten to know some of them because they have definitely hepled make this experience something i will never forget. I ask those of you who are following this blog for maybe 1 or 2 people that you ask about the others in this team and try to get to know them. I know that I am a changed person because I've been able to hear their stories and witness the purpose God has created them for.
Ok, so now I just want to say a couple more things and then I'm done. Some of you will know that i was more than thrilled for this trip because me 15 year old brother was going to be joining me this time, and for those who don't know hw lives in AZ and we hadn't seen each other in over a year. I have to say that I am pretty darn proud of him! I think he has worked very hard all week and has really reached out to the Jamaicans in the community and to the others on the team. I can't imagine it being an easy thing to go on a mission trip at 15, let alone one where you know only 1 person. I hope that people will lift him up in prayer that God just grab hold of him this week and that his walk with Christ be elevated. I'm done, so see eveyone soon!


1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Andrea, I don't know you but I will pray for your brother to be speachless and motivated by what God does in his midst the rest of this trip!

I feel like I have been on this journey with all of you!!

God speed!
Mucho love to the Brethren!