Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hello all!
Wow what a week, almost! Alot has happened in the past few days, that I am still comprehending it all. Jamaica is an amazing community, this trip has been undescribable. I have had several opporunties to go work at the school here in Harmons, it is ruff and the kids are so adorable. I am so glad that I got to experience going to school here in harmons for two days now, and tomorrow I will get to go for a third time, wow! and deliever a whole bunch of school supplies to the school, which will be interesting to do. We are soo lucky to be able to enjoy simple things in life such as consuming a unlimited amount of water, food, napkins, warm showers! and a closet full of clothing. These people have nothing pretty much, they have a house and a few items in it and thats about it. They are very content and satisfied with having very little to nothing at all when all we want is more and more and the next best thing. I have had the best time here with getting to know all of the gateway family members and some extras, I don't regret coming at all, this was the best decision that I have made that is helping my relationship with christ so much, it has been such an experience and Christ keeps teaching and showing me things every minute of the day. I sorry this is short but I am so tired, but Girls(you know who you are) thanks so MUCH for the letters, they are a great way to start my day. I can't BELIEVE that I am a AUNT!! I am so excited RT and Amber. I miss you lots mom and dad and Josie. See you sunday. Ashlee BIlton:)

1 comment:

robandb04 said...

Have you been talking to Rob?
Praying for you... that God would bring you back...filled with Him!

Love ya!