Monday, January 12, 2009

He is Matchless...

Since Sunday morning I have been thinking about a song we sang at church...and the phrase..."You are Matchless in every way"....keeps echoing in my ears...I had never heard that song before. I have thought long and hard about what that truly means..."Matchless". One dictionary defines it as having no equal; peerless; unequaled; incomparable. Yes, that describes my God. Tonight, as I think about all God is doing in the lives of our team...I see how He is Matchless. I keep hearing stories...and I keep encouraging the team to share them on here...hint hint....and these stories are LOUDLY DECLARING the Matchless God we serve.
This weekend I saw how He is Matchless in my life. Friday at work I was talking with a co-worker about how I was struggling with completely trusting God for the finances for my trip and also with a certain bill that needs to be paid before I leave...and how basically....I could only trust God...I needed His help. When I left work Friday I started to see through God's lense what He was doing...and my prayer quickly changed from "Lord, HELP!" to "God, if my struggle is for her to see You...then let me struggle..." I thought how cool it would be to be able to go back into work Monday and tell her..."Look how my God provided!"....I began to believe God for it.
Sunday, several things happened...a friend walked up to me and handed me money for my trip...found out that someone else had written a check for my trip and there was money left over...received a donation from my brother...God provided...and yes, I went to my friend today and BOLDLY told her how God is my prayer is that she is drawn to Christ through this...He is Matchless!


Carolyn said...

You know what is sooooo cool??? You told me about your prayer for God to provide and some how you knew that on this MONDAY you would be going to tell her how your GOD had provided EVERYTHING!!!!!!!! It is so powerful to see that...and it was just a day or two before it all happened that you shared that with I wanted to post that on here so everyone will know just how AWESOME OUR GOD IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love you!

taura said...

Hi, Im Taura. I dont really know anybody that Im going on this trip with except Shawn but I am looking forward to changing that. This is an adventure for me, one that has been on my top tem list of things Id like to experience before I die. I wrote this list about 10 years ago.I always thought I didnt have enough knowledge in the Bible to go on a mission trip. You'd think that would encourage me to study it more. It was always like reading a foreign language so I set it on my shelf and there it lived for most of its life. Anyway, I took it off the shelf and have had several more bibles given to me recently. All kinds. Interesting. So with the help of some friends I'm beginning to learn alot through it. Now, at this point in my life I cant explain why and how this trip is comming to be for me but I will embrace it. When this oppurtunity was presented to me I was overwhelmed. Speechless. My reaction to the invitation probably made me look scared and shocked. Suddenly I was. I quickly realized this was for real (and real life can be scary) but I had an oppurtunity to experience this adventure with someone I respect, trust and love. I now know that I am being led and actually following the path created for me. I picture myself holding on to Jesus hand and being led into unknown territory. But I trust that this is where I need to go, that there IS a mission in mind and it will be done. I pray for us all to keep holding on to His hand and thank Him for our adventures in this life. Thanks so much to Gateway and my dear friend who helped this oppurtunity to serve ( in a very exciting way) come to life. I could say 'I cant wait for this experience to begin!' But it already has for me and Im loving it. Thanks be to God, I'm in your hands. Taura