ok, so I know I already blogged once...but I wanted to share my story of how God has brought me to this trip...about a year and a half ago, Laci Thurn asked me if I wanted to go on a missions trip to Jamaica with Gateway in January of '08...and I said yes. At the time I was attending another church and was involved in mission work there. Going on this missions trip last year pretty much rocked my world. This trip with Won by One to Jamaica was the most balanced missions trip I had ever been on. I was challenged in ALL areas of my life, I had never had that before in 1 missions trip experience. God began to open my eyes to a bigger picture He had for my life...and begin asking me a series of questions that all required obedience on my part. He was asking me to pursue involvment in mission work deeper...which led to my decision to start going to Gateway Church....a decision that was difficult to make, yet I knew confidently that this was where God was leading me and that He was going to open doors that I had never seen before. And He has! God gave me the opportunity to go to Peru in June with Gateway and once more experience a new culture and share my past mission experiences in others lives...along with opening the door for me to return to Zambia, Africa for a month this past August. When I look back over the last year of my life, I am humbled and amazed at ALL God has done and the places He has taken me and the experiences He has given me....ALL GLORY TO HIM!
So a few months ago, Joey and Mike approached me and asked me about leading this trip to Jamaica....WOW! If there is one thing I have learned...God's word is true when He says that if we choose to obey Him, HE WILL BLESS US! That was my promise in this whole journey...just simple obedience, that yields blessing! So, with great joy...and some fear, yes I am human....I am setting out to simply follow Christ as He leads us all in this mission to Jamaica!
A couple of weeks ago, I was really wrestling with fear of leading, if you all knew me about 10 years ago, you would say...."Amy Hayward lead a missions trip???...NO WAY!" (if you don't believe me, ask Jennifer Long..on our team)....the more I struggled with this fear...I was giving in to the enemy telling me that this was way out of my league and I wouldn't be able to accomplish it! God melted all those fears away in His word...
1 Corinthians 2:1-5 When I first came to you, dear brothers and sisters, I didn’t use lofty words and impressive wisdom to tell you God’s secret plan. 2 For I decided that while I was with you I would forget everything except Jesus Christ, the one who was crucified. 3 I came to you in weakness—timid and trembling. 4 And my message and my preaching were very plain. Rather than using clever and persuasive speeches, I relied only on the power of the Holy Spirit. 5 I did this so you would trust not in human wisdom but in the power of God.
"I came to you in weakness-timid and trembling. And my message and my preaching were very plain. Rather than using clever and persuasive speeches, I relied only on the power of the Holy Spirit."
God used those verses to melt away my fears...to rely only on the power of the Holy Spirit!
so, that is my story of how I got here...I am very excited for this opportunity to invest in the lives of others what other men and women have invested in mine in this area of missions...and I am so excited for all God has planned for this journey. I encourage you to take the time to write your story on here....thank you to those who already have! It helps us all get a clearer picture of our team....and to get to know each other better!
See you Saturday at the meeting!
Amy Hayward
so, that is my story of how I got here...I am very excited for this opportunity to invest in the lives of others what other men and women have invested in mine in this area of missions...and I am so excited for all God has planned for this journey. I encourage you to take the time to write your story on here....thank you to those who already have! It helps us all get a clearer picture of our team....and to get to know each other better!
See you Saturday at the meeting!
Amy Hayward
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