Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy Birthday!!!

Yep, its my birthday again in Jamaica!! I can't imagine a better way, besides with my family, to spend it. The opportunity to serve on my special is undescribable. This morning started out with tons of birthday wishes and cards. They all made fun of me because I kept saying, "you are so sweeeeeeet". Well, they were!! Then we went off to our services opportunities which today for me was, the foundation site. It is so awesome how them make a bare piece of land into a foundation that is earthquake and hurricane proof mostly by the earthly surroundings. We set the forms and then picked up rocks and threw them into the spot and eventually mixed cement and poured it bucket by bucket on top. I am continually amazed by how much mercy these Jamaicans show US! I was helping one of them pour water onto the mix when he asked me if I wanted to do it myself. Yes, Larry, I mixed concrete!! I am sure that I pretty much stunk at it but you would never know from the Jamaicans. They just smile and take the shovel back eventually and get on with the job. They are very kind people and I love to be here with them again.
As always the hauling marl and building foundations is a mere side note to the relationships built while serving. Some with Jamaicans and others with our team. It has been great to see the familiar faces of people that I have gotten to know. Somehow, even after quite a few groups filtering in and out of here, they remember you and call you by name. As far as this team, they are wonderful and handpicked, each bringing very important parts to this body of Christ.
Larry, Dakota, and Dayton ~ I love you three more then you know. I miss you and I can't wait to tell you every detail of this Jamaican Journey! :)
Robby and Brenda ~ I received the tickles.:)


Amie Williams said...

Happy Birthday Laci! I hope you are having a great time. Wish I were there!
Amie Williams

Mary Ludwig said...

Happy Birthday Laci! I'm glad you can enjoy your day even though you are working a ton!! :)

kristal said...