Friday, January 23, 2009

What Next?

Our cups are full and overflowing...we just finished an incredible day...literally. The day was full of finishing up...the houses were completed and dedicated...and 2 families are now blessed with having a well as 28 people are blessed by the opportunity to serve those families this week. The afternoon was spent walking around Harmons some even hiked to Stick Man's House...and then it was Jerk Chicken Night! The Courtyard time tonight was Send-Off...for us. I have to say it was a blast...I saw so much joy on the faces of my team. Guys with children crawling all over them...(Scott, Mike F. and Justin)....I also saw some dance moves that were quite impressive...(again the same 3 guys...oh, and Andrea) and I saw my team enjoying the people we came here to serve...Laci and Mary Jo were "floured" in the courtyard as we sang Happy Birthday to them (we are kinda thinking of keeping that tradition going stateside!) was a great time. We finished our night with a time of reflection and remembering all that God has done...I will let your loved ones share that with was very was a great day and a great night. This will be our last post...we have many stories to share of what God has done this week and each one is eager to be ready to listen! I will close with a poem that Scott Phillips wrote this week and shared this morning in our devotion pretty much sums up his time here...and we all agreed so much, we had it written on our "hand" that we all signed here to go in the hallway...see you all soon!

by Scott Phillips (team member)
I heard Your voice
So I made the choice to say "Yes, Lord"
What Next
Money was tight
You made it alright
What Next
Arriving here
You calmed my fear
What Next
Arrived at Won by One
This looks like fun
What Next
Work hard, play hard then hit the hay
I'm growing closer to You every day
What Next
Lifetime friends, that's what we've made
Love and Kindness, that's how we're payed
What Next
No time, No worries
Yet back home, frustration and flurry
What Next
Daily devotion and so much peace
How to bring it home tell me please
What Next
I miss my daughter, I miss my wife
But I thank You Lord
for changing my life
What Next
When next You call
I wont whine or cry
I'll fall to my knees
and say "Yes, Lord, Here am I
What Next?

God is Great

Hello everyone,

First, I just want to say hello to my husband Steve and my kids Caitlyn and Steve. If anyone talks to the Moore family please tell them I love them and I'm thinking of them often! I'm pretty sure they don't know of our blog. And now that we are at the end of our week here and as much as I miss my family and dear friends back home, it is getting very difficult to keep the emotions of leaving inside. Last year was truely life changing for me and I was even a little upset when i knew certain people would not be here that i had connected with previously. But let me say i have been pleasantly surprised and amazed how God has ABSOLUTELY had his hand in the building of this team since the day we left last year. During my first trip to Jamaica i really got to see God at work in the Jamaicans and this island and this lifestyle, but this year he is just bursting out of the members of this team! I don't even know if there are words to describe the people who are here and what they have brought to this trip. I know that I am genuinely blessed to have been here this week and gotten to know some of them because they have definitely hepled make this experience something i will never forget. I ask those of you who are following this blog for maybe 1 or 2 people that you ask about the others in this team and try to get to know them. I know that I am a changed person because I've been able to hear their stories and witness the purpose God has created them for.
Ok, so now I just want to say a couple more things and then I'm done. Some of you will know that i was more than thrilled for this trip because me 15 year old brother was going to be joining me this time, and for those who don't know hw lives in AZ and we hadn't seen each other in over a year. I have to say that I am pretty darn proud of him! I think he has worked very hard all week and has really reached out to the Jamaicans in the community and to the others on the team. I can't imagine it being an easy thing to go on a mission trip at 15, let alone one where you know only 1 person. I hope that people will lift him up in prayer that God just grab hold of him this week and that his walk with Christ be elevated. I'm done, so see eveyone soon!


God's Hands

I have been amazed at watching people who have the faith to step out into an unknonw (for Jeremey) world become God's Hands. They touch little children who crave attention and contact. The hands of God reach out to people who are not clean and don't smell good. They haul concrete and rocks and build a house for someone who is homeless. God's hands sit in the home of a Jamaican and enjoy a meal at a table too small with little to eat but fellowship and companianship. They hold a Bible and read to someone who can't see. The hands of God are male and female, old and young, white and black but they all serve a God of love and compassion who reaches out to help his children.

I have had a great experience seeing and sharing God's love. I hear my Dad's voice as I move about and help people. He died this year but his spirit of service lives on in me and his family. He made the world a better place and continues to do so through all of us. It is hard to type with tears in your eyes. Thanks for giving me your legacy of service.

I love you Lisa and look forward to seeing you on Sunday. Amie and Mandy you are married to special men. I am very proud to call them sons. Doug is a great man and I see his heritage in Mike. This as been an experience to remember for lifetime. Luke, Grandpa misses your smile and looks forward to seeing you at home.

If you are reading the blog and want to be a part of this experience. Pray that God opens the doors for you to be here next year. It is something worth investing in.

Dennis Pierce (DP)

Thursday, January 22, 2009


...that is the only word I have to let you know what is taking place here in Harmons in the lives of 28 people...your loved ones. If you are reading this blog, you definitely have an investment in one or more of those lives....and let me tell you, God is moving and changing lives.

First of all....a HUGE THANK YOU to the Life Group that gave us all cards...they have been mentioned more than once and that was definitely a movement of God in someones heart to do will never know the impact that those letters and cards have made...I pray that you will one day know who you are.

Secondly, not a day has gone by that I myself or others have been opening cards from loved ones back home...a small gesture on your part....a huge impact on ours. Thank YOU!...again, you know who you are!

What to say about what I have seen going on here...well I will give it a try. I have seen walls being torn down....humility....servant's hearts....relationships made...relationships forged....grown men cry....fears melt to confidence in Christ....unity in a team that hardly knew one another....growth....laughter...lots of it....hugs....a community blessing us beyond what we deserve....I have seen God every the eyes of a the hug of a Jamaican woman, so grateful that we placed 5 of your used t-shirts in her walmart the smile of a worker as he is handed a warm plate of food (probably his only warm meal of the day) the laughter of a youth when he was handed a "sweetie" the comment of the crippled when asked "how are you?"...and the reply was..."not too bad" the hug of a crippled man that couldn't speak to me, but his grip around my neck was enough to make me stop and say..."I just got a hug...that felt like GOD!...and i could go on and on...I have seen God this week, and I will never be the same.

Time does not permit all of your loved ones to write on here...mostly because the time we have to do this is now at 11:45 at night and as I am typing, they are fast asleep! But let me tell you...they love you all...I have heard so many great stories of you to where I feel like I know you...and they cannot wait to share the stories of Harmons with you. Please be ready to listen...they are ready to share! Tonight Joey challenged us with what we would say to someone that asked why we think they should go on this ready..they have been given a challenge to bring someone with them next year!...that someone might be you!

My greatest joy of this trip has been watching this team. Mike Stiles...I have loved every minute! It is indescribable when you know you are exactly where you are supposed to be doing exactly what you have been created to do...and I can say..this is it! This week has been a week of confirmation from God to me that I am on the right path and several have publicly placed that value on my life and have been a huge support to me....for them I am grateful and I praise God.

I will leave you with one story for the I served in the store. The group of ladies I was with, Mary Jo, Jenn, Taylor and Andrea all prayed together before we went in there just asking God to make His presence known and that we would be able to stuff the bags "Feichtner Style"! (Read Jeremy's Blog about Mike F. store experience) WE DID! It's amazing what you can stuff in 2 walmart sacks when you are praying over them asking God to help you get 1 more thing in! One of the ladies I was helping, Gillian, had 8 children...and she was only 32....yep, you heard me right 8 CHILDREN!!! WOW! And you know who she shopped for....her children! She hadn't shopped there in over a year and her main concern was her humbling! I broke the rules and loaded up a whole suitcase for her...the whole time just encouraging her and hopefully building her up to be a good mom....understanding that her children are a gift from God...I found that strange seeing as I have no children of my own yet....(although there may be some Jamaican babies coming home in my carry on!) I love how God's Word was taught to me at a young age...and it is still alive and it comes to me just when I need it. My lesson learned ready to give an answer and place value with God's Word in someones never know who is going to come into your path in a day that will need it.

We all are tired and weary..bodies are hurting...but hearts are full and overflowing! I can't wait to share more!

Mom...thanks for the good news! What a relief! I love you guys and miss you much. Thank you for your investment in my life...I hope I have made you proud!

Amy Hayward
Because of Jesus love for the Father He came to earth to give good news and to spend the time to disciple followers to spread it, that is missions. This mission trip is my first and as consistent as God always is when we step out in faith and let Him move us out of our comfort zone we learn to depend on Him more. He is always faithful even when we are not, but when we step in faith we are privilege to see how much bigger He is than we thought.
Today I helped build a house, no a home, for someone that had nothing and now has a place to feel they belong and are protected. That sounds like a description of God. Maybe because it was His plan. Tonight we had dinner in the home of a lady who welcomed us joyfully and prepared a great meal for our benefit. She shared with us that she is going to hospitality school. She invited us in, cooked for us and even put on a video that she thought we might enjoy. I find that hospitable. My heart check is if I am willing to joyfully share all I have and then understand I need to learn how to do it better.
Yesterday, we went to the infirmary, somewhat sad for us but for them what a happy day. As we read scripture to these people, blind, old, crippled, sick, alone, it was amazing that our presence brought them joy but the word brought them value. God's eyes see from eternity and ours, way to often only earthly.
I have so enjoyed this trip and the time with new friends and all that Harmons has offered, but above all I have enjoyed this time with the Father. Depending on Him more and seeking how I can take what I have learned about Him and share it more lovingly back home.
Thank you Mike for making this trip possible by being so willing to handle Just for a week. I miss you guys so much and can't believe I have not talked to Adam for a week. But I thank God for placing this opportunity in front of me a placing Amy and Laci in my life to ask me to go along.
Love and Prayers,
Hello all!
Wow what a week, almost! Alot has happened in the past few days, that I am still comprehending it all. Jamaica is an amazing community, this trip has been undescribable. I have had several opporunties to go work at the school here in Harmons, it is ruff and the kids are so adorable. I am so glad that I got to experience going to school here in harmons for two days now, and tomorrow I will get to go for a third time, wow! and deliever a whole bunch of school supplies to the school, which will be interesting to do. We are soo lucky to be able to enjoy simple things in life such as consuming a unlimited amount of water, food, napkins, warm showers! and a closet full of clothing. These people have nothing pretty much, they have a house and a few items in it and thats about it. They are very content and satisfied with having very little to nothing at all when all we want is more and more and the next best thing. I have had the best time here with getting to know all of the gateway family members and some extras, I don't regret coming at all, this was the best decision that I have made that is helping my relationship with christ so much, it has been such an experience and Christ keeps teaching and showing me things every minute of the day. I sorry this is short but I am so tired, but Girls(you know who you are) thanks so MUCH for the letters, they are a great way to start my day. I can't BELIEVE that I am a AUNT!! I am so excited RT and Amber. I miss you lots mom and dad and Josie. See you sunday. Ashlee BIlton:)
A shout out to Brenda E. Vince L. and Jerri Lynn, thank you for your words of encouragement and prayers for me on my mission. For Brenda, your coming next year. For Vince, wish you were here. And Jerri, thanks for being my sister in Christ.
Love ya,

P.S. Tom- we will be at the airport around 9:00 :)